I am a fiery and passionate Aries with a Scorpio rising. Being a highly visual creature who loves to surround myself with luxury and beauty helps to satiate my impassioned nature.
Casablanca Lilies
Sun Flowers
French Champagne
Red Roses
White Roses
Wine Red or White
Whole Foods Gift Cards
Natural Clear Quartz Crystal Any Size
Peets Coffee Gift Card or Coffee beans
Almond Milk Latte
Fresh Vegetables from your garden.
Almonds or nuts from your farm
Art that you have made
🐘 🐘 Please Donate 🦏🦏 This organization is very dear to my heart.
IAPF - International Anti Poaching Foundation - www.iapf.org
@iapf.org · Nonprofit Organization
The ecosystems that balance our climate and make life on Earth possible are under extreme threat. Without sufficient action, we are destined to take millions of species to extinction.
There has never been a more critical issue in the history of human civilization than the immediate protection of the natural world. While there are variety of ways that humans can harm ecosystems around the world, poaching in particular threatens a number of species — even those that may be protected in national parks or wildlife reservations. Today, poaching is usually done for profit, with the animal parts sold to black and illegal markets. The result is that many animals have been attacked and their numbers are critically depleted. Beautiful creatures such as the rhinoceros and elephant have long been targets of poachers; the rhinoceros for its horn and the elephant for the ivory in its tusks. These are only two examples of the many species in Africa that are reaching near-extinction.
IAPF develops and supports programs to stop poachers from targeting and killing these endangered animals.
IAPF - International Anti Poaching Foundation - www.iapf.org