About Me !

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” —E. E. Cummings

Palace of fine Arts


Ava embodies beauty and grace - she is sweet and sensual with a kind heart. Truthfully, she is a product of years of love, healing, life journeys, growth and laughter. Beauty in all forms is what truly inspires her. Like the beauty found in taking a walk along a remote beach or a drive through breathtaking countryside rich with hues of green made vivid by rain. These experiences can fill her senses with joy. Just like a trip to museums or art galleries filled with masterpieces offer her much to appreciate and leave Ava feeling so inspired and so alive. Our world is rich with beauty in so many forms! All her travels have given Ava the opportunity to appreciate the abundant beauty that surrounds us all.


The day to day things Ava enjoys most include great conversations, freshly prepared organic vegan foods, taking a walk around the park, Chet Baker on Pandora, and perusing bright canvases at a local art market or gallery. Traveling to the U.K where she spent part of her childhood. And taking the best possible care of body and mind bring her great pleasure. Maintaining a healthy mind and body is the best way to enjoy life to its fullest and let your soul soar.

Hometown Denver Colorado

Birthday Aries April 3rd

Favorite Color Purple

Animal Lover

Favorite Movies ChinaTown, Midnight Cowboy,

Music Chet Baker, Stan Getz, Anything Jazz.

Listening to Live Jazz music at a night club.


Cooking,Farmer’s Market’s, Reading,Gardening, Art, Walking, Traveling


Vegan For the Animals

Age mid 40’s

Height 5’ 7” Slim

Favorite Animal Elephants

Wonderlust Africa ! I love Africa