Chiang Mai
Thank you for following me to Chiang Mai Thailand! After connecting in Seoul Korea - I have finally arrived to the amazing first stop in my adventure trip. So EXCITING!!
First, let me tell you that stepping into this place was a spiritual and otherworldly experience. The tropical air was hot and heavy, but the landscape was a feast for the senses. Rich with ancient architecture from the temples to the Buddhas was exactly why I wanted to experience Thailand first hand.
A delightful and easy paced day was spent visiting these beautiful temples and meeting the sweet temple dogs and cats that appear to have made themselves right at home in these ancient and colorful temples in Chiang Mai. I hope you enjoy the photos of these gentle little animals much as much as I did in meeting these sweet little temple dwellers.
After a day of walking around - it was time to eat at the Green Tiger House.
What a wonderful place for those who enjoy a vegan diet! The rich colors and freshness of the food was especially refreshing after walking around and exploring markets and temples in the heavy heat. The food was delicious and the presentation phenomenal!
Days 2 and 3 were spent at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
This incredible sanctuary is dedicated to rescuing many species of animals. Water buffalo who were going to be sent to slaughter, as well as dogs and cats who were going to be sent to slaughter for the meat industry . Most notably they are know for the work with rescuing and providing safe harbor for elephants - most of which endured horrific lives. There were some who had stepped on land mines, or had their ears torn up by the tortuous bull Hooks. Many were used just for breeding and the babies sold at a very young age. And sadly, some had their backs broken from rides. This is the most ethical sanctuary in Thailand I highly recommend people visiting the sanctuary. Added bonus - the vegan food is amazing!
Below is the story one very special rescue of Sopa the elephant who was close to death and had a long life of misery and hard labor before finding a safe haven at the park.
When Sopa was a teenager, her life of work began in earnest pulling logs from the forest. She labored in this way until she was middle aged. Then her owner brought her to work in the tourist camps. She resisted this activity, when tourists came to sit on her back. She would shake the chair on her back, making it unable for the camp owner to force her safely into the riding service. The new owner had to sell her back to a logging camp. Sopa returned to work hauling timbers across the border.
Eventually, she was sold back to an elephant camp in Chiang Mai to be used in riding again. She spent 10 years at this elephant camp. This place not only provided riding services, but it was also an active breeding facility to bring baby elephants for sale. Sopa was too old for that, and the owner sold her to her current place of work, a riding service in the tourist area of Pattaya.
During the COVID crisis Grandma Sopa fell ill, and was falling down many times due to fatigue, poor nutrition, and age. The owner took her to the hospital where she stayed for a long time and then finally found her way to the Elephant Nature Park.
This haven for animals is so important and a lifeline to these beautiful and majestic animals.The time spent communing with these large gentle souls is a beautiful memory that I will carry with me forever. I hope you enjoy the photos capturing my connection with the elephants of the Nature Park.
Thank you for joining me on this journey! Next stop, Cambodia! (Or, insert Bangkok here).